Storyboard Asset

Monitor and Manage Assets across their lifecycle!

  • Storyboard Asset, our advanced Enterprise Asset Management solution, empowers you to track and monitor your assets in real-time. With automated tools, it provides a centralized platform for seamless and efficient asset management, enhancing operational control and productivity.

The value of Asset management systems

  •   An asset management system serves as a centralized platform that allows businesses to track and manage vital information about each asset in real-time. By doing so, it reduces administrative   overheads, enhances customer satisfaction, and provides comprehensive visibility into asset utilization, costs, and maintenance.
  •   As a key aspect of IT asset management, it integrates hardware and software oversight to ensure smooth operations and strategic decisions. Modern asset management systems, whether cloud-based or on-premises, are designed to be intuitive, adaptable, and aligned with organizational needs, driving efficiency and effectiveness.


Asset Maintenance
  • Monitors the location and performance of each asset while optimizing repair and maintenance costs.
Asset Tagging
  • It simplifies the process of locating, identifying, and tracking assets as needed.
Barcode Management
  • Barcode software systems allows to track assets and other data associated with barcodes such as Linear and QR code.
Audit Tracker
  • It simplifies the process of locating, identifying, and tracking assets as needed.
Depreciation Register
  • Monitors asset values over time while ensuring adherence to tax laws and regulation.
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